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Nixon Answers Questions on T.V.

Sept. 29, 1962 - A talkative, obviously pleased Richard M. Nixon completed the first televised question program of his campaign for Governor in California this morning. Mr. Nixon, who is opposing Gov. Edmund G. Brown’s bid for reelection, left the television cameras at 1 a.m. after answering 141 questions in 3 hours. A spokesman voiced confidence that the candidate had been seen on television by nearly 1 million viewers and had been heard by 400,000 radio listeners in 7 counties. This was the first of a series of seven such Nixon programs, designed to blanket the state before election day. The cost of the first program was $6,372. The questions were telephoned or telegraphed during the three-hour period, except for some collected in advance at Republican headquarters in the area. Cuba, Mississippi, and education were the subjects stressed most often by questioners. On Cuba, Mr. Nixon called for action to “stop the Communist build-up.” On the Mississippi integration crisis, he said the President and Attorney General “must do whatever is necessary to carry out the law of the land.” “Act, and act fast,” he urged.


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