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1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports

Nov 30, 2023
Sir Winston Churchill Celebrates 89th Birthday
Nov. 30, 1963 - Britons paid homage to Sir Winston Churchill today on his 89th birthday. Sir Winston stood at the window of his London...

Nov 20, 2023
Twentieth Anniversary of Battle of Tarawa Observed
Nov. 20, 1963 - At dawn, 20 years ago today, the costliest brief engagement in Marine Corps history began. Four days later, 1,115 marines...

Nov 20, 2023
President Kennedy Receives WWII Citation
Nov. 20, 1963 - President Kennedy received a citation today for his efforts for peace from men who fought in World War II. The citation...

Nov 20, 2023
Nazi Officer Who Arrested Anne Frank and Family Identified
Nov. 20, 1963 - The Nazi officer who put an end to the diary of Anne Frank by arresting her and her family in 1944 has been identified as...

Nov 19, 2023
General Patton’s Sign to Attend Army War College
Nov. 19, 1963 - Another George S. Patton is rising in the Army. Lieutenant Colonel Patton (left), son of the dashing “blood and guts”...

Nov 12, 2023
General John Hodge Is Dead
Nov. 12, 1963 - General John R. Hodge (pictured in 1946), a leader of the Pacific fighting in World War II, died today in Walter Reed...

Oct 29, 2023
TV: Tonight on “Combat!”
Oct. 29, 1963 - Tonight on “Combat,” while on patrol in the woods, Sgt. Saunders (Vic Morrow, right) is taken prisoner by a slightly...

Sep 5, 2023
Senator Morse Hits Governor Wallace’s “Nervous Condition”
Sept. 5, 1963 - Senator Wayne Morse (D-Ore.) told the Senate today that Governor George Wallace (pictured) of Alabama receives disability...

Aug 29, 2023
James Cushing Is Dead
Aug. 29, 1963 - James Cushing (right), an American guerrilla leader who, during the Japanese occupation of the Philippines in World War...

Aug 22, 2023
Major General Charles D.W. Canham Is Dead
Aug. 22, 1963 - Major General Charles D.W. Canham (right during WWII), who accepted the surrender of 244,000 German prisoners in one day...

Aug 5, 2023
General Eisenhower Returns to Normandy
Aug. 5, 1963 - Former President Eisenhower returned to Normandy today, 19 years and 2 months after D-Day, and he said this time he would...

Jul 21, 2023
Ike To Return to Normandy for CBS Special with Walter Cronkite
July 21, 1963 - Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower will return to Normandy next month for the filming of a CBS-TV program...

Jun 3, 2023
JFK Visited by Mother of Congressional Medal of Honor Winner
June 3, 1963 - The 76-year-old mother of the only Japanese American to win a Congressional Medal of Honor visited for 15 minutes this...

May 9, 2023
M.E. Clifton James, WWII Montgomery Impersonator, Is Dead
May 9, 1963 - M.E. Clifton James (right), an actor whose greatest role was the impersonation of Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery (left)...

May 3, 2023
Auschwitz Trial Opens in Frankfurt
May 3, 1963 - Twenty-four persons have been charged with the murder of hundreds of thousands of people, mostly Jews, at the Auschwitz...

Apr 28, 2023
Two Former Eichmann Aides Charged with Mass Murder
Apr. 28, 1963 - Two former aides of Adolf Eichmann have been charged with murder in the killing of at least 300,000 Hungarian Jews in...

Apr 21, 2023
20th Anniversary of Battle of Warsaw Ghetto is Honored
Apr. 21, 1963 - Ceremonies were held in New York and in many other places in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the Battle of the...

Apr 20, 2023
Gen. LeMay Visits Japan
Apr. 20, 1963 - General Curtis LeMay, Air Force Chief of Staff, finished a two-week tour of Asia in Japan today. Speaking at a press...

Apr 17, 2023
Eichmann’s Right-Hand Man Turns Himself In
Apr. 17, 1963 - Former Nazi officer Erich Rajakowitsch, alleged right-hand man of Adolf Eichmann, turned himself in to Austrian...

Apr 13, 2023
10 Ukrainians Executed for Having Served S.S. Guards During WWII
Apr. 13, 1963 - A Ukrainian court has convicted 11 Soviet citizens of having served as S.S. guards in a Nazi death camp in Poland where...
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