June 12, 1963 - Two Negro students moved through the bustle of the first day of classes at the University of Alabama today without escort or incident. The general atmosphere was more relaxed than during yesterday’s Federal-state showdown, as the state police began reducing its force and students scurried to their classes. Only a few National Guardsmen were seen on campus. Both Negro students, Vivian J. Malone and James A. Hood, told reporters they were getting along well so far. After his 90-minute sociology class, Mr. Hood told newsmen he believed he had “been accepted here just the same as any other student.” “I think the University of Alabama should be a model to the nation,” he said. “The faculty, the students, and the people of Tuscaloosa are to be commended. I am grateful and gratified.” Only one comment occurred within earshot of newsmen to pierce the general air of acceptance. As Mr. Hood entered his sociology class, a tall, blond student turned to him and — with his hand cupped over his mouth — muttered: “Hood, they got one in Jackson last night.” This was a reference to the murder in Jackson, Miss., of Medgar Evers, Mississippi field secretary for the NAACP.
