Nov. 7, 1962 - Votes cast for U.S. Senator in South Dakota will be recounted to determine if George S. McGovern (right), the Democratic candidate, can claim the office on the basis of his 271-vote margin. His opponent, Republican Senator Joe H. Bottum, who was appointed in July, asked for the recount after the victory for the former Food for Peace director was announced. Sen. Bottum charged irregularities at the polls, especially in his own Pennington County. Mr. McGovern, who served two terms in the House between 1956 and 1960, received 128,458 votes, while Mr. Bottum was credited with 128,287. South Dakota’s most recent Democratic Senator was the late William J. Bulow, elected in 1936. Mr. McGovern campaigned on the theme that he “could do more for South Dakota” as a member of the Democratic team in Washington. He strongly upheld President Kennedy’s policies, including medical care for the aged.
