Apr. 18, 1963 - Mrs. Coretta Scott King talked this afternoon with her husband, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, through a glass partition in a door at the Birmingham, Ala., city jail. “He was in very good spirits,” Mrs. King said. Dr. King and Rev. Ralph D. Abernathy were arrested Friday while leading an integration march in Birmingham. Asked when Dr. King intended to post $300 bail for his release, Mrs. King said that “he wasn’t sure about that.” Later, she said she thought her husband would be in jail “for quite a while.” Mrs. King, Mrs. Abernathy, and several leaders of the desegregation drive entered the jail yard just before 1:30 p.m. and left about 50 minutes later. There was one demonstration in Birmingham today, a sit-in at the segregated lunch counter at the F.W. Woolworth store. Service was refused to five Negroes, but they were not asked to leave, nor were any arrests made.
