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McNamara Speaks in Atlanta Amidst Protests

Nov. 11, 1961 - Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara addressed a segregated audience in Atlanta this evening while Negroes and whites protesting his appearance picketed outside. Mr. McNamara made no reference to the controversy in his remarks to a dinner at the Dinkler-Plaza Hotel honoring Senator Richard B. Russell and Representative Carl Vinson. While he spoke, Negroes and whites representing the NAACP and the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) paraded before the hotel. A white girl carried a sign that read: “Mr. Secretary, you attend this dinner at the expense of human dignity.” A sign held by a Negro youth said, “Negroes in the Peace Corps but not in the Dinkler.” About a dozen whites belonging to various segregationist and anti-Semitic groups picketed the pickets.


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