Aug. 5, 1962 - The leader of New York’s Black Muslims said today that he would accept an invitation to appear at an anti-segregation rally in Englewood, N.J. “for the sole purpose of showing Negroes the hypocrisy of the whites in Englewood.” Minister Malcolm X, of Temple of Islam No. 7 in Harlem, said that Muslims were not interested in integration and were “never involved in any boycotts, pickets, or any forcing of themselves into white stores, neighborhoods, and schools.” He said the group believed Negroes should “solve their own problems” by establishing their own businesses and organizations. He explained that he would go to Englewood because he was “shocked” at a statement Saturday by Mayor Austin N. Volk. Mr. Volk had quoted Representative Francis E. Walter of Pennsylvania, chairman of the House Un-American Activities Committee, as urging investigation of the Black Muslims. Mr. X said that Mr. Walter was repeating charges made by Southern white racists, adding that Northern racists were worse than Southern ones.
