Jan. 22, 1963 - Negro James Meredith packed up his bags and departed from the University of Mississippi campus today after concluding his first — and perhaps final — semester at the previously all-white institution. Students jeered, and a caravan of 30 cars followed him out of town. There was speculation he would not return. Meredith made his departure amid racist taunts from a group of about 40 students who were dispersed by campus police. Meredith spent the afternoon taking an examination in English, his final test of the semester. He said he didn’t know how he came out or what his grades were in other subjects. Meredith has said flatly he will not register for the second semester unless changes are made at the school. He has promised a statement in Jackson at the “end of the semester.” If Meredith wants to register for the second semester, he will have to be back on campus by Jan. 31 at the latest.
