Feb. 3, 1962 - Edwin A. Walker (pictured in 1957), former Army major general, said today that his race for Governor of Texas was part of his fight against international communism. “My platform is the need to defend the United States under God in a struggle for survival against international communism,” he said. “With nine million others, I want Texans to lead this fight.” Mr. Walker visited state Democratic headquarters yesterday and presented a $1,000 check to get his name on the Democratic ballot for the primary on May 5. Questioned on his choice of party and his record as a voter, Mr. Walker said he marked his ballot in 1960 for Richard M. Nixon, but he was sure that his overseas ballot had arrived too late to be counted. “I do remember voting for Eisenhower in 1956 or 1952. I am sure I voted once for Roosevelt.”

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