Nov. 1, 1962 - Premier Fidel Castro (right) announced tonight Cuba’s rejection of any form of international inspection on the withdrawal of Soviet missiles. In a radio and television speech to the Cuban people, Castro specifically turned down a Soviet compromise proposal that the International Red Cross carry out the inspection. In the face of this rejection, U.S. officials saw no chance for Anastas I. Mikoyan (left), Soviet First Deputy Premier, to influence Cuba to change her position. The impression in Washington was that Castro deliberately went on the air tonight to announce his anti-inspection stand before Mr. Mikoyan’s scheduled arrival in Havana tomorrow. It was viewed as an attempt by the Cuban leader to confront Mr. Mikoyan with an announced decision. Mr. Mikoyan flew to New York today en route to Havana. On Tuesday and Wednesday, U Thant, Acting Secretary General of the U.N., talked with Castro in Havana but was unable to persuade the Cuban Premier to accept U.N. inspection.
