Jan. 24, 1962 - California Governor Edmund G. Brown (pictured center in 1959) formally became a Democratic candidate for a second term today with an attack on former Vice President Nixon. In a speech, Gov. Brown accused Mr. Nixon of having labeled Sacramento, the state capital, as merely “a whistle stop on the line to Washington.” The Governor declared that Californians would not permit Mr. Nixon “to convert the Governor’s chair into Nixon-for-President national headquarters.” “Here comes Richard Nixon to ‘save’ California,” he said: “To save it from what? Four balanced budgets? The best educational system? An economy that is producing more jobs and more wealth than any other in America? Not at all. All that Richard Nixon is trying to save is his political life. His decision to run for Governor has nothing to do with California or its future. He has no time for California.” Mr. Brown is the second Democratic Governor California has had in this century.
