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U.S. To Withdraw 1,000 Servicemen from South Vietnam in December

Nov. 15, 1963 - The withdrawal of 1,000 U.S. servicemen from South Vietnam will start Dec. 3, Maj. Gen. Charles J. Timmes announced today. The men are to depart by the end of the year, leaving about 15,500 American troops in the country. General Timmes heads the Military Advisory Assistance Group in Vietnam. The Pentagon has expressed a belief that the Communist guerrillas can be subdued so that the need for major U.S. involvement in the war will end by December 1965. General Timmes’ announcement followed a week of fierce fighting in the long war between the Viet Cong guerrillas and South Vietnamese Government troops backed by the U.S. Communist attacks on strategic hamlets, outposts, and patrols in the week ended Wednesday cost the Government 925 casualties — the highest number ever killed, wounded, and captured in a single week. Communist losses were estimated at 740. About 250 Americans are expected to make up the first detachment to leave. General Timmes said they would be logistic and nontechnical personnel, including advisers in engineering, ordnance, medicine, naval affairs, and administration.


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