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TV Networks Alter Programming in Wake of Assassination

Nov. 22, 1963 - Television and radio stations in the New York metropolitan area announced today the temporary cancellation of many entertainment programs and commercial messages because of the death of President Kennedy. CBS said its television and radio networks would continue to provide only news, memorials, and special broadcasts relating to the assassination and other news of importance until after the President’s funeral. ABC and NBC said their entertainment programs and commercials would be suspended indefinitely. All radio stations said their scheduled programs tomorrow would be subject to change for special newscasts. Sports activity throughout the nation also came to a virtual halt with the news of President Kennedy’s death, and there are indications tonight that much of it would not be resumed until after the funeral. Many major college football games scheduled for tomorrow, including the 80th Harvard-Yale contest at New Haven, were immediately canceled or postponed. The American Football League, which at first had announced it would go ahead with its four-game schedule Sunday, later decided to call off all the games. The National Football League has not at this time made any announcement regarding its Sunday schedule.

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