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President Kennedy’s Family Enjoys Christmas in Palm Beach, Fla.

Dec. 25, 1962 - President and Mrs. Kennedy got an early start on Christmas observances today, thanks to two youngsters eager to get at the decorated packages under the yule tree. Shortly before 8 a.m., the first family gathered around the tree in the living room of their borrowed beachfront villa in Palm Beach, Fla. For 5-year-old Caroline, there was the talking doll she requested from a department store Santa Claus. John Jr., age 2, got a toy helicopter like the one his father often rides. Once the excitement of the gift opening was past, President and Mrs. Kennedy drove to a mid-morning Christmas Mass at St. Edward’s Roman Catholic Church, where Mr. Kennedy strode alone to the altar rail to take communion. Applause was mixed with shouts of “Merry Christmas” as the Kennedys entered and left the church. On the schedule for this evening are an egg nog party for friends and a quiet dinner at home.

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