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First Lady Opens Redecorated Treaty Room in White House

June 28, 1962 - Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy opened the redecorated Treaty Room in the White House today. Later in the day, Mrs. Kennedy joined the President for another ceremony marking publication of a guidebook that will enable White House tourists to examine at leisure what they have missed in haste. The guidebook, costing $1, will go on sale July 4 in the east lobby of the White House. It will also be available by mail order. The refurbished Treaty Room is on the second floor of the White House. It was a waiting room for President Abraham Lincoln’s office next door (now the Lincoln bedroom), and later it was used as a Cabinet room by a number of Presidents. It was there that all the U.S. treaties and conventions between 1864 and 1902 were signed. With Mrs. Kennedy today were Vice President Johnson; Mike Mansfield, Senate majority leader; and Everett Dirksen, Senate minority leader.

© 2024 by Joe Rubenstein

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