Oct. 30, 1963 - A band of shouting demonstrators hurled placards and leaflets at Chief Justice Earl Warren last night as he left the New York City Bar Association building at 42 West 44th Street. A group of 75 pickets had paraded in front of the building for more than two hours, shouting “Impeach Earl Warren!” No arrests were made. Justice Warren had just been made an honorary member of the bar association. The placards thrown at him carried statements and slogans criticizing Justice Warren and the Supreme Court for many of its decisions. Walter Zaleski of Brooklyn, who identified himself as spokesman for the pickets, charged that the court’s decisions tended to “erode our freedoms.” He denied that his group was affiliated with the right-wing John Birch Society. However, the leaflets hurled at the Chief Justice urged the purchase of anti-Warren, anti-Supreme Court publications obtainable by mail from American Opinion, Belmont, Mass. The publication is affiliated with the John Birch Society and Robert Welch, president of the Birch Society, is listed as its editor. The drive for the impeachment of Justice Warren has long been a prime goal of the Birch Society. Last night’s incident recalled one in Dallas last week when Adlai E. Stevenson, chief U.S. delegate at the U.N., was shoved, booed, hit with a picket sign, and spat upon by demonstrators. The president of the Dallas U.N. Association described the incident as a “concerted action by members of Edwin Walker’s following and the John Birchers.”
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