Oct. 22, 1963 - President Kennedy will meet in Washington next month with West Germany’s new Chancellor, Dr. Ludwig Erhard, at the start of what promises to be a hectic winter season of allied diplomacy. Chancellor Erhard, after talks with President de Gaulle in Paris starting Nov. 21, will leave for Washington Nov. 24. Before the end of 1963, Mr. Kennedy hopes also to meet with the Earl of Home, Britain’s new Prime Minister, and he plans to meet with President de Gaulle of France early in 1964. At these meetings, the U.S. will begin new efforts to end the drift of the Atlantic alliance and to cope with the economic and military issues that have become increasingly troublesome. The major Western powers have been divided on several issues, including the conduct of East-West negotiations, the organization and tactics of NATO, the disposition and control of nuclear weapons, the degree of European political integration, and the nature of trade relations between the Common Market and its non-member allies, including the U.S.
