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British Fascist and New Wife Egged in London

Oct. 5, 1963 - More than 1,000 angry Britons hurled rotten apples and eggs instead of rice today at Colin Jordan, the British Fascist leader, and his French bride as they stepped into a taxicab after their wedding. Neither was hit. The bride, Francoise Dior, wore a jeweled swastika. She is a former French countess and niece of the late Paris fashion designer, Christian Dior. Mr. Jordan and his bride smiled as they gave the Nazi salute while the crowd jeered. Tomorrow night, Mr. Jordan, who is 40 years old, and his wife, 31, will take part in a second marriage ceremony at the National Socialist Movement’s London headquarters. They will observe the “old Nordic custom” of cutting their fingers and letting their blood mingle. Jordan, whose political activities cost him his teaching job at a Coventry school, met Francoise last July. She is the former wife of Count Robert-Henri de Caumont la Force and a member of one of the oldest aristocratic families in France. When their engagement was announced last week, the bride said: “Colin and I want to bring up a family with the party’s aims and ideals.”

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