Dec 18, 2022First Push-Button Telephones in ServiceDec. 18, 1962 - The era of push-button telephoning moved a little closer today. The Chardon Telephone Company of Chardon, Ohio, put into...
Nov 1, 2022Inventor Mauchly Predicts the FutureNov. 1, 1962 - Pocket-sized computers may eliminate the housewife’s weekly shopping list. Electronic communication would tell the store...
Jul 25, 2022(VIDEO) Telstar: First Live Satellite BroadcastJuly 23, 1962 - This afternoon, Walter Cronkite of CBS entered NBC’s studios at 30 Rockefeller Plaza to co-host this historic Telstar ...
Jul 23, 2022Telstar Images PristineJuly 23, 1962 - The program beamed from America to Europe today by way of the Telstar satellite came through almost perfectly on British...