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1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports

Oct 15, 2021
Production Increasing for M-14 Rifle
Oct. 15, 1961 - After years of delays and deficiencies in the program to equip Army troops with the new M-14 rifle, officials say that...

Oct 14, 2021
Nixon Modifies Pessismistic Remarks on ’64 Election
Oct. 14, 1961 - Richard M. Nixon said today that current polls show President Kennedy “riding high” politically. But he added that...

Oct 14, 2021
President Kennedy Meets the Press
Oct. 14, 1961 - Pierre Salinger (pictured right), presss secretary, said today that the White House was paying for the series of...

Oct 14, 2021
U.S. Conducts Largest Air-Defense Maneuvers in History
Oct. 14, 1961 - The largest air-defense maneuvers ever held in the Western world were concluded early today. For 12 hours, from 1 p.m....

Oct 14, 2021
Officials: Khrushchev Seeks to Inflict Humiliation on the West in Berlin Crisis
Oct. 14, 1961 - Recent Soviet moves in the Berlin crisis have strengthened the conviction in Washington that Premier Khrushchev is less...

Oct 13, 2021
Nixon: No Republican Can Beat Kennedy in ’64
Oct. 13, 1961 - Richard M. Nixon has confirmed in conversations with friends that he doesn’t believe the Republican Presidential nominee,...

Oct 12, 2021
Video: President Kennedy at Fort Bragg
Oct. 12, 1961 - Here is video of President Kennedy’s remarks today to the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg in North Carolina. He...

Oct 12, 2021
Video: President Kennedy in North Carolina
Oct. 12, 1961 - Here is video of President Kennedy’s address today at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill after receiving an...

Oct 12, 2021
President Kennedy Speaks at University of North Carolina
Oct. 12, 1961 - President Kennedy said today it was a “dangerous illusion” to believe that “we shall soon meet total victory or total...

Oct 12, 2021
Eisenhower on Debates: "I Can't Think of Anything Worse"
Oct. 12, 1961 - Former President Eisenhower told a national television audience last night that, if he were in office, he would not...

Oct 11, 2021
U.S. Bolsters Forces in Europe
Oct. 11, 1961 - The Defense Department announced today further reinforcement of U.S. forces in Europe. Units going overseas include an...

Oct 9, 2021
President Kennedy Visits Rayburn in Hospital
Oct. 9, 1961 - President Kennedy made a flying trip to Texas today and paid a call on an old comrade of the legislative wars, Speaker of...

Oct 8, 2021
Kennedys Cruise on “Honey Fitz”
Oct. 8, 1961 - Cruising on a 92-foot yacht can be frustrating for a 3-year-old girl. The rails are high and it is hard to see over them....

Oct 6, 2021
President Kennedy Meets with Gromyko, No Progress on Germany
Oct. 6, 1961 - President Kennedy and Andrei A. Gromyko, Soviet Foreign Minister, exchanged some blunt views on Germany this evening, but...

Oct 6, 2021
West Berlin Mayor Brandt: Wall "Must Come Down"
Oct. 6, 1961 - Mayor Willy Brandt (right) of West Berlin said today that the wall that divides Berlin is a brazen challenge to the West...

Oct 6, 2021
President Kennedy Meets Greek Patriarch, Archbishop
Oct. 6, 1961 - President Kennedy was presented with the Grand Cross and Insignia of the Order of the Holy Sephulcre today. He also...

Oct 4, 2021
President Kennedy Establishes Woodrow Wilson Memorial Commission
Oct. 4, 1961 - President Kennedy signed a bill today establishing a Woodrow Wilson Memorial Commission. He gave the first pen he used to...

Oct 2, 2021
U.S. to Help South Vietnam Defend Fight Reds
Oct. 2, 1961 - The United States announced today that it was taking urgent measures to help South Vietnam combat an increase in Communist...

Oct 1, 2021
South Vietnam President Diem: We're at War
Oct. 1, 1961 - South Vietnam's struggle against armed Communist insurgents has grown from guerrilla action to "real war" in the last...
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