Sep 23, 2021TV: William Shatner Guest Star on "The Defenders"Sept. 23, 1961 - On tonight's episode of "The Defenders," when mild-mannered Jim McLeery (William Shatner) kills an abusive stranger, it...
Aug 20, 2021TV: Legal Drama "The Defenders" Set to Premiere Next MonthAug. 20, 1961 - "The Defenders," a television series which revolves around a father-and-son team of lawyers, will make its debut on CBS...
Aug 17, 2021Movies: Gleason Signed for Serling's Film Adaptation of "Requiem for a Heavyweight"Aug. 17, 1961 - David Susskind, the energetic head of Talent Associates, has signed Jackie Gleason for a leading role in Rod Serling's...