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1960s Timeline
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Dec 6, 2021
President Kennedy Says Nation Is Under-Exercised
Dec. 6, 1961 - President Kennedy called last night for broader American participation in sports and other forms of physical activity. “We...

Dec 4, 2021
The First Lady Supports UNICEF
Dec. 4, 1961 - Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy ordered 10 boxes of UNICEF greeting cards today as a symbol of her support of the work of the U.N....

Nov 30, 2021
A Lodge May Face a Kennedy Again in Mass. Senate Election
Nov. 30, 1961 - George Cabot Lodge (right) of Beverly, Mass., formally announced today his candidacy for the Republican nomination for...

Nov 30, 2021
Vice President Johnson Defends Anti-Communist Speech
Nov. 30, 1961 - Vice President Johnson said today that he saw “no reason to protect the Communists from the truth.” He was referring to a...

Nov 29, 2021
Attorney General Kennedy Deplores Racial Violence in Mississippi
Nov. 29, 1961 - Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy said today that the F.B.I. would make a complete investigation of today’s outbreak of...

Nov 29, 2021
McCone Sworn In as C.I.A. Director
Nov. 29, 1961 - President Kennedy looked on today as John A. McCone (left), Los Angeles industrialist, was sworn in as director of the...

Nov 29, 2021
President Kennedy Responds to Female Reporter on Discrimination Against Women
Nov. 29, 1961 - A woman reporter’s assault on male exclusiveness at the National Press Club won sympathy from President Kennedy today....

Nov 28, 2021
President Kennedy Gives Dulles National Security Medal
Nov. 28, 1961 - President Kennedy made a surprise helicopter trip today to C.I.A. headquarters at Langley, Va., to present a National...

Nov 28, 2021
President Kennedy's Message to the Soviet People
Nov. 28, 1961 - President Kennedy told the Soviet people today that they could live in peace if their Government halted its efforts to...

Nov 26, 2021
Kennedy to Replace Under Secretary of State Bowles
Nov. 26, 1961 - President Kennedy announced today the replacement of Chester Bowles (right) as Under Secretary of State. Nine other...

Nov 26, 2021
The Kennedys Go Ice Skating in Hyannis Port
Nov. 26, 1961 - President Kennedy took a ride after church today to watch his wife and other Kennedys ice skate. They went to the Joseph...

Nov 25, 2021
Caroline Kennedy Celebrates Fourth Birthday
Nov. 25, 1961 - Caroline Kennedy celebrated her fourth birthday today. The daughter of President and Mrs. Kennedy will be 4 years old...

Nov 25, 2021
Kennedy Interviewed by Soviet Journalist
Nov. 25, 1961 - President Kennedy granted an exclusive interview today to the editor of the Soviet Government newspaper. Aleksei I....

Nov 22, 2021
President Kennedy Home for Thanksgiving
Nov. 22, 1961 - President Kennedy came home today to celebrate a Thanksgiving 340 years and 40 miles removed from the original. The...

Nov 21, 2021
Video: President Kennedy's Remarks to National Conference of Christians and Jews
Nov. 21, 1961 - Here is video of President Kennedy’s remarks in the Rose Garden today to members of the National Conference of Christians...

Nov 20, 2021
White House Releases JFK Jr.'s Official Portrait
Nov. 20, 1961 - John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. flashes a happy smile in official birthday pictures released today by the White House. He...

Nov 19, 2021
President Kennedy Talks Extremism in Los Angeles
Nov. 19, 1961 - President Kennedy spoke out last night against the right-wing John Birch Society and the so-called Minutemen in a speech...

Nov 18, 2021
Speaker Rayburn is Buried in Texas
Nov. 18, 1961 - House Speaker Sam Rayburn was buried today in the rich Texas earth that nurtured him. Funeral services were held in the...

Nov 18, 2021
President Kennedy Honors Sen. Hayden in Arizona
Nov. 18, 1961 - President Kennedy declared last night that the nation should regard with pride the “heavy burden” of preserving freedom...

Nov 16, 2021
President Kennedy Honors Senator Magnuson
Nov. 16 - After his speech at the University of Washington, President Kennedy paid high tribute to Senator Warren G. Magnuson (left),...
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