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1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports

Jul 10, 2021
Defense Secretary McNamara Press Conference (Video)
July 10, 1961 - Here is video of Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara's press conference from earlier today. #communism #communist...

Jul 10, 2021
President Kennedy to Americans: Support Foreign Aid
July 10, 1961 - President Kennedy asked all Americans today to support his long-range foreign aid program as "vital in the fight for our...

Jul 9, 2021
Gina Lollobrigida walks out on Khrushchev at Moscow Film Festival
July 9, 1961 - Gina Lollobrigida (pictured right with Elizabeth Taylor and Eddie Fisher) walked out on Premier Khrushchev and other...

Jul 9, 2021
Soviets Parade Military Might Outside Moscow
July 9, 1961 - The Soviet Union exhibited new supersonic jet fighters and bombers today in an impressive show of air power. Celebrating...

Jul 9, 2021
President Kennedy Orders Military Review
July 9, 1961 - President Kennedy has ordered an urgent review to determine whether the U.S. should increase its military strength to meet...

Jul 8, 2021
Tough Talk from Khrushchev
July 8, 1961 - Premier Khrushchev announced today that he is suspending reductions in the Soviet armed forces. Mr. Khrushchev said he...

Jul 6, 2021
Secretary of State Rusk: Don't Cut Foreign Aid
July 6, 1961 - Secretary of State Dean Rusk warned today that any cuts in the Administration's foreign aid program would be "a great...

Jul 6, 2021
John Birch Society Seeks Files on Communists
July 6, 1961 - The John Birch Society, the ultra-right organization founded by Robert W. Welch Jr. (pictured) in 1958, is asking its...

Jul 6, 2021
Soviets Make Overtures to North Korea
July 6, 1961 - The Soviet Union signed a ten-year military aid treaty with North Korea today. Moscow pledged to support the Korean...

Jul 5, 2021
General MacArthur Criticizes Former President Truman on Korea
July 5, 1961 - General Douglas MacArthur told the Philippine Congress today that the United States' failure to see the Korean war ...
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