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1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports

Oct 31, 2021
Video: Martin Luther King on BBC’s “Face to Face”
Oct. 31, 1961 - Here is an interview with the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King on the BBC television show “Face to Face.” Dr. King talks about...

Oct 30, 2021
Martin Luther King Heckled in England
Oct. 30, 1961 - Hecklers shouted “Keep Britain white!” today when the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, American anti-segregation leader,...

Oct 27, 2021
Rev. King Asks President Kennedy to Issue “Second Emancipation Proclamation”
Oct. 27, 1961 - The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. called on President Kennedy today to take action to “free the Negro from all forms of...

Oct 20, 2021
Racial Turmoil in McComb, Mississippi
Oct. 20, 1961 - A Negro student revolt has pushed the city of McComb, a segregationist stronghold in southwestern Mississippi, to the...

Oct 20, 2021
Martin Luther King Will Not Appear in Preminger Film
Oct. 20, 1961 - The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King said today that he would not portray a Georgia senator in the film version of the novel...

Oct 17, 2021
Five NBA Players, Denied Meal Service at Kentucky Hotel, Sit Out Exhibition Game
Oct. 17, 1961 - Bill Russell (right) and four other Negro players on the Boston Celtics and two on the St. Louis Hawks left Lexington,...

Oct 17, 2021
Alabama Klansman Sentenced for Flogging White Couple
Oct. 17, 1961 - In Talladega, Alabama today, a Ku Klux Klansman was sentenced to eight years imprisonment for dragging a white man and...

Oct 16, 2021
Three Major Railroads End Segregation in Station Facilities
Oct. 16, 1961 - Three major railroads serving the South — the Illinois Central, the Southern, and the Louisville & Nashville — have...

Oct 11, 2021
Jazz Great Dizzy Gillespie Alleges Racial Discrimination in Kansas City
Oct. 11, 1961 - Dizzy Gillespie (pictured), the jazz trumpeter, charged today that he had been denied access to a swimming pool in a...

Oct 7, 2021
Gillespie Performance in New Orleans Canceled Over Racial Prohibition
Oct. 7, 1961 - A concert by Dizzy Gillespie (left) and his band at Tulane University in New Orleans on Tuesday has been canceled because...

Oct 6, 2021
President Kennedy Hails School Desegregation in South
Oct. 6, 1961 - President Kennedy today hailed the progress in desegregating schools in Memphis, New Orleans, and elsewhere. He said that...

Oct 5, 2021
MLK: “Reign of Terror” Being Waged on Mississippi Negroes
Oct. 5, 1961 - The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. charged today that "an apparent reign of terror" was being waged against Negroes taking...

Oct 3, 2021
Memphis Schools Desegregated
Oct. 3, 1961 - A century of segregation ended in Memphis, Tenn., today when 13 Negro first-graders were admitted to white schools. Police...
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