Jul 21, 2023Miss Brazil Named Miss Universe of 1963July 21, 1963 - In Miami Beach last night, Miss Brazil — brunette Leda Vargas — was named Miss Universe of 1963. Radiant but poised after...
Dec 16, 2022Brazilian “Bossa Nova” Dance Sweeps the NationDec. 16, 1962 - A dance rhythm from Brazil known as the bossa nova may become the nation’s biggest ballroom favorite since the early days...
Oct 30, 2022Oct. 30, 1962 - JFK Remarks to Brazilian War CollegeOct. 30, 1962 - Here are President Kennedy’s remarks today to students and faculty members of the Brazilian War College. #JFK #brazil
Apr 3, 2022President Kennedy Welcomes Brazilian President João Goulart to Washington Apr. 3, 1962 - President João Goulart of Brazil arrived in Washington today for a state visit that the Kennedy Administration considers...
Sep 6, 2021British Explorer Slain by Native Tribesmen in BrazilSept. 6, 1961 - Richard Mason, 30-year-old British explorer and member of the Royal Geographic Society, was slain by native tribesmen...
Aug 28, 2021Castro Tells Brazil to Follow Cuba's ExampleAug. 28, 1961 - Cuban Premier Fidel Castro today urged Brazil to set up a guerrilla war against what he termed "reactionary militarists"...
Aug 11, 2021Brazilian President Bans Bathing Suits in Beauty Contests as Part of "Moralizing" CampaignAug. 11, 1961 - President Janio Quadros (pictured with broom) banned bathing suits today in all Brazilian beauty contests. The decree...