Jul 8, 2021Movies: "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea"July 8, 1961 - "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea," a science-fiction drama, opens at New York's Paramount Theatre on July 19. Walter...
Jul 6, 2021Movies: "Cleopatra" Resumes FilmingJuly 6, 1961 - Twentieth Century-Fox announced today that a fresh start would be made to film the movie "Cleopatra" in Rome and Egypt in...
Jul 5, 2021Movies: "The Devil at 4 O'Clock" with Frank Sinatra, Spencer TracyJuly 5, 1961 - "The Devil at 4 O'Clock," a Columbia picture co-starring Spencer Tracy and Frank Sinatra and directed by Mervyn Leroy,...
Jul 5, 2021Movies: "Fanny" with Maurice Chevalier, Charles Boyer, and Horst Buchholz July 5, 1961 - Today's new film is "Fanny," a Warner Brothers color production at the Radio City Music Hall. Leslie Caron (right),...
Jul 5, 2021Movies: Michelangelo Antonioni's "La Notte"July 4, 1961 - The international jury at Berlin's 11th film festival today honored an Italian film with its top prize. The Golden Bear...
Jul 5, 2021Jason Robards Jr. and Lauren Bacall Tie the KnotJuly 4, 1961 - Lauren Bacall and Jason Robards Jr. were married today in Mexico. The ceremony was performed by a judge of the Civil ...
Jul 5, 2021New James Bond Book"Thunderball" Hits StoresJuly 3, 1961 - Hitting local bookstores today is "Thunderball," the latest James Bond mystery by Ian Fleming. Thunderball is the ninth ...
Jul 5, 2021Movies: Sci-Fi Drama "Most Dangerous Man Alive"July 3, 1961 - Today's new film is "Most Dangerous Man Alive," a science-fiction melodrama from Columbia. Ron Randell (left), Elaine ...
Jul 5, 2021Movies: Godard's "A Woman Is a Woman"July 2, 1961 - A French comedy of married love, "A Woman Is a Woman," has stirred the first real excitement at the Berlin Film Festival....
Jul 5, 2021Movies: Visconti's "The Leopard"July 1, 1961 - MGM plans to distributed the Italian-made screen version of "The Leopard," the best-selling novel by Giuseppe de...