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1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports

Dec 4, 2021
The First Lady Supports UNICEF
Dec. 4, 1961 - Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy ordered 10 boxes of UNICEF greeting cards today as a symbol of her support of the work of the U.N....

Dec 2, 2021
Romney Considers Run for Governor of Michigan
Dec. 2, 1961 - George Romney (pictured with his son Mitt), president of American Motors Corporation, announced today that “I am giving...

Dec 2, 2021
Nixon's California Campaign Gets Rolling
Dec. 2, 1961 - Richard M. Nixon declared today that “second-rate” Democrats must be voted out of office in California. The former Vice...

Dec 1, 2021
Castro Embraces Communism
Dec. 1, 1961 - Premier Fidel Castro sang the praises of Lenin today and proclaimed, “I absolutely believe in Marxism.” The Cuban leader’s...

Dec 1, 2021
U.N. Ambassador Stevenson Denounces Communist China
Dec. 1, 1961 - Adlai E. Stevenson denounced Communist China today and said that its admission to the United Nations would give the...

Nov 30, 2021
A Lodge May Face a Kennedy Again in Mass. Senate Election
Nov. 30, 1961 - George Cabot Lodge (right) of Beverly, Mass., formally announced today his candidacy for the Republican nomination for...

Nov 30, 2021
Vice President Johnson Defends Anti-Communist Speech
Nov. 30, 1961 - Vice President Johnson said today that he saw “no reason to protect the Communists from the truth.” He was referring to a...

Nov 29, 2021
Attorney General Kennedy Deplores Racial Violence in Mississippi
Nov. 29, 1961 - Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy said today that the F.B.I. would make a complete investigation of today’s outbreak of...

Nov 29, 2021
McCone Sworn In as C.I.A. Director
Nov. 29, 1961 - President Kennedy looked on today as John A. McCone (left), Los Angeles industrialist, was sworn in as director of the...

Nov 29, 2021
President Kennedy Responds to Female Reporter on Discrimination Against Women
Nov. 29, 1961 - A woman reporter’s assault on male exclusiveness at the National Press Club won sympathy from President Kennedy today....

Nov 28, 2021
Sen. Thurmond Denounces Kennedy's Remarks on Extremists
Nov. 28, 1961 - Senator Strom Thurmond (pictured left in 1957), Democrat of South Carolina, denounced President Kennedy today for his...

Nov 28, 2021
President Kennedy Gives Dulles National Security Medal
Nov. 28, 1961 - President Kennedy made a surprise helicopter trip today to C.I.A. headquarters at Langley, Va., to present a National...

Nov 28, 2021
President Kennedy's Message to the Soviet People
Nov. 28, 1961 - President Kennedy told the Soviet people today that they could live in peace if their Government halted its efforts to...

Nov 26, 2021
Kennedy to Replace Under Secretary of State Bowles
Nov. 26, 1961 - President Kennedy announced today the replacement of Chester Bowles (right) as Under Secretary of State. Nine other...

Nov 26, 2021
The Kennedys Go Ice Skating in Hyannis Port
Nov. 26, 1961 - President Kennedy took a ride after church today to watch his wife and other Kennedys ice skate. They went to the Joseph...

Nov 26, 2021
Republican Senator Styles Bridges is Dead
Nov. 26, 1961 - United States Senator Styles Bridges (pictured center last year) of New Hampshire, one of the most influential...

Nov 25, 2021
Caroline Kennedy Celebrates Fourth Birthday
Nov. 25, 1961 - Caroline Kennedy celebrated her fourth birthday today. The daughter of President and Mrs. Kennedy will be 4 years old...

Nov 25, 2021
Kennedy Interviewed by Soviet Journalist
Nov. 25, 1961 - President Kennedy granted an exclusive interview today to the editor of the Soviet Government newspaper. Aleksei I....

Nov 24, 2021
CBS Correspondent Investigates Possible Remains of Earhart, Noonan
Nov. 24, 1961 - Bone fragments and teeth exhumed from shallow graves on Saipan Island arrived in San Francisco by plane today for...

Nov 22, 2021
Malcolm X to Speak at New York's City College
Nov. 22, 1961 - Dr. Harry N. Rivlin, acting president of City College, said today he would not object if the Eugene V. Debs Club, a...
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