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1960s Timeline
Politics | Culture | Entertainment | Sports

Mar 14, 2024
Humphrey Optimistic on Civil Rights Bill
Mar. 14, 1964 - Senator Hubert Humphrey told 900 New Jersey Democrats in Atlantic City, N.J., today that Congress would pass the civil...

Jun 25, 2023
Democrats To Hold 1964 Convention in Atlantic City
June 25, 1963 - The Democrats decided today to hold their 1964 Presidential convention in Atlantic City, N.J. The convention will begin...

Feb 28, 2023
Powerful Negro Politician Brutally Murdered
Feb. 28, 1963 - Alderman Benjamin F. Lewis, one of the most powerful Negro politicians in Chicago, was discovered brutally murdered in...

Oct 19, 2022
Nixon Draws Big Crowds in California
Oct. 19, 1962 - Richard M. Nixon’s Victory Special train rode slowly through booming southern California today as its star passenger...

Sep 8, 2022
Truman Calls Ike “Laziest President Ever”
Sept. 8, 1962 - Former President Harry S. Truman (pictured in 1953) declared tonight that the country was “now paying the penalty for...

May 19, 2022
May 19, 1962 - JFK Dedicates NYC Housing Project
May 19, 1962 - President Kennedy’s remarks at the dedication of the Penn Station South Urban Renewal Project, a cooperative housing...

Dec 7, 2021
President Address Convention of Young Democratic Clubs
Dec. 7, 1961 - President Kennedy (pictured speaking to a young supporter) told the national convention of Young Democratic Clubs today to...

Oct 28, 2021
Secretary Connally May Run for Governor of Texas
Oct. 28, 1961 - The Secretary of the Navy, John B. Connally Jr., may give up the office next year to run for Governor of Texas. There are...

Aug 15, 2021
President Kennedy Attends Mass on Day of Feast of the Assumption
Aug. 15, 1961 - President Kennedy attended the noon mass today at St. Matthew's Cathedral in Washington. Today is the Feast of the...

Aug 10, 2021
Vice President Johnson Would Exercise Duties of President if Kennedy Incapacitated
Aug. 10, 1961 - President Kennedy disclosed today that he had made an agreement that Vice President Johnson would exercise the rights and...

Aug 1, 2021
McNamara Says Bomb Shelters Could Save 15 Million American Lives
Aug. 1, 1961 - Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara said today that 50 million usable shelter spaces could provide a "Spartan" minimum...

Jul 31, 2021
President Kennedy Empowered by Congress to Call 250,000 Reservists
July 31, 1961 - A resounding 403-to-2 vote of approval in the House completed today Congressional action to empower President Kennedy to...

Jul 29, 2021
President Kennedy Takes Caroline and Friends to Candy Store in Massachusetts
July 29, 1961 - President Kennedy took his daughter, Caroline, and ten of her cousins and playmates to a neighborhood store in Hyannis...

Jul 29, 2021
Truman: Soviets Are Bluffing, "Scared to Death of Red China"
July 29, 1961 - Former President Harry S. Truman, who won his own Berlin showdown in 1948-9, said today the Soviet Union was bluffing in...

Jul 28, 2021
President Kennedy Joins First Lady on her 32nd Birthday
July 28, 1961 - President Kennedy joined his wife in Hyannis Port, Mass., today to help celebrate her 32nd birthday. Pierre Salinger,...

Jul 28, 2021
Senate Approves Kennedy's Request for More Weapons and Troops for Berlin
July 28, 1961 - The Senate approved overwhelmingly today President Kennedy's request for more weapons and troops to cope with Soviet...

Jul 27, 2021
President Kennedy's Civil Defense Goals Announced
July 27, 1961 - President Kennedy's immediate Civil Defense goal is to provide fallout shelters in existing buildings for 25 percent of...

Jul 26, 2021
After Kennedy Speech, Draft-Age Americans Make Inquiries
July 26, 1961 - President Kennedy's call for an increase in military manpower touched off a sharp increase in inquiries from the nation's...

Jul 26, 2021
Financier Bernard Baruch Says U.S. Will Manage Berlin Crisis, Praises Kennedy
July 26, 1961 - Bernard M. Baruch, financier and friend of Presidents, said today that the U.S. had "all the resources to do all the...

Jul 26, 2021
Kennedy Administration Wants Home Alarms for National Emergencies
July 26, 1961 - The Kennedy Administration asked Congress today for $10 million to put into operation a home buzzer system that would...
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