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Woman Aviator Honored at White House

May 4, 1964 - Valerie Ann Mock today celebrated her fourth birthday at the White House, blowing out pink candles on a cake presented to her by President Johnson.

It was the Mock family’s day at the White House, where Valerie’s mother, Mrs. Jerrie Mock, the housewife who recently made a solo flight around the world, received the Federal aviation award from the President.

Mrs. Mock, an Ohio mother of three who set a record with her 29-day solo flight, announced that she would like to fly to the moon. So far, she has been turned down as an astronaut.

With Mrs. Mock were her husband and three children, Roger, 17; Gary, 16; and Valerie Ann.

“She had invited all her friends to a birthday party today, but it had to be postponed because we were coming to the White House,” said her mother.

President Johnson did his best to console the little girl, announcing that he had a special award for her as well as her mother. An aide carried in a birthday cake frosted in white, with chocolate letters spelling out “Happy Birthday,” topped with cherries, and bearing four pink candles.

Valerie Ann, who had fidgeted while waiting for the President, cheered up and blew out the candles with two puffs. “Make a wish,” the President instructed her.

In addition to presenting Mrs. Mock with the Federal aviation award, the President appointed her vice president of the Women’s Aviation Committee, a consultant group of the Federal Aviation Agency.

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