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Wallace Excoriates Federal Government

Aug. 14, 1964 - Governor George Wallace of Alabama said today he would gladly tell the Federal Government “to take their tainted money and go to hell” if such a step would help stop what he called Federal interference in school affairs.

But the Governor said in a commencement address at the John Patterson Trade School that “we cannot rid ourselves of the power-hungry parasites by throwing their money back into their faces.”

He said the South “must suffer and endure” Federal links to classrooms, declaring that “our Constitution and our precious freedoms have been perverted by judicial anarchists.”

“The Commander in Chief of the Armies of the United States, with a consuming ambition to be reelected, subscribes to the proposition that a proper use of the armed forces is enforcing racial integration in the public school system in the South,” Wallace continued.

He said there “is an awakening throughout the nation which promises that this situation will be remedied.”

He said the nation was looking to “the South for leadership — and with good reason.”

“We have no intention of surrendering our school systems and the responsibility for the education of our children to bearded beatniks and faceless, spineless, power-hungry theorists and black-robed judicial anarchists,” he declared.

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