Feb. 1, 1965 - Melina Mercouri, the Greek actress who gained prominence in the motion picture “Never on Sunday,” will be the guide for an hour-long filmed tour of Greece to be televised in color by ABC at 9 p.m. on May 3.
Edgar Scherick, vice president of programming for ABC, said “Melina Mercouri’s Greece” would be produced by Norman Baer and Phil D’Antoni. The producers, who head a company called Television Productions of America, have specialized in foreign-made documentaries with actresses as hosts. Their earlier shows were “Elizabeth Taylor in London” and “Sophia Loren in Rome.”
D’Antoni said Miss Mercouri would begin filming her show tomorrow in Athens. After several days of shooting there, the actress and production crew will go to Delphi and later the island of Crete.
“Unlike our other projects,” D’Antoni said, “this one with Miss Mercouri will place its full emphasis on the wonderful people of Greece — their humor, their music, their work, and their play.”
Miss Mercouri has a principal role in the current movie “Topkapi.” Her other pictures include “Phaedra” and “The Victors.”
After the show on Greece is completed, D’Antoni and Baer plan to start filming an hour-long show in Paris. They are negotiating with Rex Harrison and his wife, Rachel Roberts, to star on the show, which probably will be televised by ABC next fall.

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