Dec. 4, 1961 - Many television stations affiliated with ABC canceled Sunday evening’s episode of the show “Bus Stop” because they believed the savage story of a psychotic teenage killer would offend viewers. ABC headquarters did not say how many stations had canceled the episode, entitled “A Lion Walks Among Us,” which starred Fabian (pictured), rock ’n’ roll singer. “A Lion Walks Among Us” met with extremely strong attacks by professional TV critics in yesterday’s newspapers. In the story, Fabian played a cocky and arrogant 18-year-old who murders in cold blood for the fun of it. ABC said that it received “30 or 40 telephone calls of mixed comment” on the show. A 15-year-old girl in Mount Vernon, N.Y., telephoned at least one newspaper office yesterday to protest the review of the Fabian show. She said she “had made a survey among the kids in school, and we all thought it was wonderful.”

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