Aug. 24, 1963 - South Vietnamese soldiers arrested two American photographers and a newsman today with a shout of “to hell with Americans.” The three were arrested for taking pictures of the noisy anti-Government demonstration yesterday by defiant university students. They were photographers Larry Burrows (pictured) and Burt Glinn and reporter Milton Orshevsky of Life magazine. The soldiers also seized the photographers’ film. A South Vietnamese army captain ordered their arrest after soldiers had failed to stop them taking pictures by jostling and shoving the three men. A witness said the soldiers were reluctant to arrest the three and told their superior, “But they are Americans.” “To hell with Americans,” the captain shouted. Meanwhile, Saigon’s streets bristled with heavily armed troops for the fourth consecutive day. Soldiers stood with bayonets bared at most city intersections, and machine guns were mounted at strategic points throughout the city. South Vietnam remains under martial law, and Saigon University as well as all public and private secondary schools have been closed.
