Jan. 12, 1963 - Stan Musial (pictured with Vin Scully), 42, who says his conditioning program has added five years to his playing career, is busy getting ready for spring training. “We’re due at training camp March 1, and about 10 days later we start the exhibition season,” said Stan. “That doesn’t give you time to get into condition if you’re out of shape.” Musial worked out today with teammates Red Schoendienst and Bill White. Cardinals General Manager Bing Devine, watching the sweating Musial, said, “This is proof of what the fellow is willing to do and sacrifice at his age. Any ball player anywhere can benefit from this kind of program.” Musial said he started feeling his age in 1959 when his average fell to .225 — the first time he hit under .300 in the majors. The next year, he started a conditioning program with W.C. Everhardt, director of physical education at St. Louis University. His average climbed to .275 in 1960, .288 in 1961, and .330 last year. “The guys who lasted in baseball past 40 didn’t do it by accident,” Musial said. “Most of them were hunters who walked through the woods during the winter and kept in shape.” Musial will work out 3 times a week for 45 minutes until he goes to camp. But all year long, he follows a rigid eating schedule: a late breakfast and a big dinner, no in-between meal snacks, and no dessert. “It’s a sacrifice, but it’s all worthwhile,” Musial remarked.
