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Rolling Stones Arrive in Texas

June 6, 1964 - England’s Rolling Stones — a mop-haired quintet that is the rage in that country — arrived in San Antonio, Tex., today for performances at the Teen Fair of Texas.

The Stones were greeted by some 150 teenagers, agog with admiration and armed with autograph books, who gave the five a noisy reception when they arrived at International Airport.

Despite the shrieks, the reception was orderly and the Stones left immediately for the Fair at the Joe Freeman Coliseum.

The five — Brian Jones (left), Bill Wyman (right), Mick Jagger (center), Keith Richard, and Charlie Watts — arrived in the U.S. last Monday. They first appeared on a television show in New York, then flew to Hollywood where they taped a national TV performance to be presented next Sunday. After their two-day show in San Antonio, they will perform in Chicago.

“It’s big, hot, and sunny,” commented Wyman when asked what the group thought of the United States.

“It’s different,” added Brian Jones. “And now that we’re here, we want to stay.”

As for their shaggy hairstyles, Wyman explained: “It’s not just the singing groups who started this thing.” He said art students have been wearing their hair “like this” in London for years. “But the Beatles really got the thing going,” he added.

The Stones organized in 1962, and their rendition of “Not Fade Away” is No. 1 on the British hit lists. Their first album, “The Rolling Stones,” is near the top of the charts.

The five previously were playing separately in London clubs. Jagger, the group’s lead singer, brought the quintet together and formed the Stones.

Wyman said that “from there on, it was just up.”

“We were lucky, and here we are,” he added.

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