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Rocky Campaigns in New Hampshire

Jan. 3, 1964 - New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller resumed his Presidential campaign today by denying that he was trying to block Senator Barry Goldwater. He challenged the Arizona conservative to a face-to-face contest for the Republican nomination. Mr. Rockefeller said he was “genuinely pleased” that Senator Goldwater was in the race and would enter the New Hampshire primary. The March 10 primary will be the first in the campaign. Mr. Rockefeller, in a formal statement, immediately took issue with the Senator and invited him to debate in New Hampshire. But he insisted that he had not entered the race “to stop anyone else within my own party.”

The Governor served notice that he intended to capitalize on the fact that he had declared his candidacy before President Kennedy’s assassination, when Republican chances looked slimmer. At that time, he was the only declared candidate among the Republicans. In his speech at the Portsmouth High School in New Hampshire, he remarked pointedly: “I am neither a ‘summer soldier’ nor a ‘sunshine patriot’ of the political wars.”

An enthusiastic crowd of 1,200 persons overflowed the high school auditorium. “I am well aware,” said Mr. Rockefeller, “that there are those who now view the 1964 elections in a new context because of the tragedy at Dallas. My purpose now, as it was before, is to present to my party and to the American people the principles and program which I deeply believe to be essential to the future of America and the free world.” The Governor said he considered debate “a tradition in New Hampshire and in New England.” He pledged once again that he would support the choice of the Republican National Convention, whoever that might be.


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