Aug. 6, 1964 - New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller, who unsuccessfully battled Senator Barry Goldwater for the GOP Presidential nomination, pledged his support to the party nominee today.
The Governor, a moderate Republican who charged in San Francisco that Goldwater was outside the “mainstream” of modern GOP policies, received loud applause when he told the state Republican organization in Albany that he will support the national ticket.
The organization also pledged its full support to Goldwater.
Rockefeller made a strong appeal for party unity at the closed-door meeting of county chairmen and vice chairmen.
The Governor, as he has in the past, said the party is big enough to embrace all who believe in the basic Republican principles even though they differ on how best to implement them or translate them into political action.
In related news, Goldwater today repudiated alleged support by the Ku Klux Klan.
“We don’t want the backing of the Ku Klux Klan, and I don’t think we’ll get it,” he declared. “Besides, it’s always been a Democratic organization.”
Goldwater made his first public disavowal of the KKK — which his running mate, Rep. William Miller (N.Y.) had refused to do — at the Gettysburg, Pa., airport, before returning to Washington from a unity meeting with former President Eisenhower. Former Vice President Nixon also attended the meeting.
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