Jan. 21, 1964 - Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy left Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia today for a meeting with Indonesian President Sukarno in Jakarta after apparently arranging a three-way peace conference on the Malaysian crisis. Indonesia and the Philippines have refused to recognize the new federation of Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak, and Sabah (North Borneo). Indonesia has imposed an economic boycott and has supported guerrilla bands that have been raiding into Sarawak and Sabah. Mr. Kennedy entered the picture as a special envoy of President Johnson.
Mr. Kennedy told a news conference today before leaving Kuala Lumpur that he expected a general announcement “within 24 hours” on a conference among Sukarno, Malaysian Premier Tengku Abdul Rahman, and Philippine President Diosdado Macapagal. He did not indicate when or where the meeting would take place. Rahman, asked if the summit meeting would be held, said: “I think so. There are good prospects. I do hope our neighbors feel the same.” Prince Sihanouk of Cambodia left Jakarta a few minutes before Mr. Kennedy was due to arrive on a flight to Manila. He congratulated Mr. Kennedy “on the encouraging prospects that a conference will be held. We rejoice wholeheartedly at the brilliant achievement.”
It was reported that Mr. Kennedy is proposing that a truce line be drawn between Kalimantan, the Indonesian part of Borneo, and Malaysian Borneo to avoid further clashes or border incidents. It was indicated that Mr. Kennedy had suggested establishment of a demilitarized zone 20 miles wide on each side of the border.
