Jan. 16, 1964 - Expressing U.S. concern over the Malaysian crisis, Robert F. Kennedy headed today into a round of talks including a vital meeting with President Sukarno of Indonesia. The Attorney General (pictured upon his arrival at the Yokota Air base in Tokyo), made a point on his arrival today of stressing a “bond of friendship with Indonesia,” arch opponent of the Malaysian Federation of Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak, and Sabah. On a special troubleshooting mission for President Johnson, Mr. Kennedy went right to work. He conferred until almost midnight with Howard Jones, U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia; Edwin Reischauer (left), U.S. Ambassador to Japan; and other U.S. officials. Mr. Kennedy’s first official appointment this morning was with Foreign Minister Masayoshi Ohira (right) at the foreign ministry. That was followed by an audience with Emperor Hirohito. His first meeting with Sukarno is scheduled to take place at the Imperial Hotel in downtown Tokyo.
In a brief arrival statement, Mr. Kennedy said he was looking forward to meeting with Sukarno and wanted to discuss with him “the concern that the United States and other nations of the world have of the situation that now exists in the relationship between Malaysia and Indonesia.” “This is a matter that must be decided and determined and resolved by Asian countries, not by outsiders,” he added.
