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“Project Prayer” Seeks Constitutional Amendment Permitting School Prayer

Apr. 12, 1964 - A national series of rallies to support a proposed constitutional amendment permitting school prayers was started in Los Angeles over the weekend.

Sponsored by an organization called Project Prayer, the event drew about 2,500 persons to the Shrine Auditorium last night.

Film actors and actresses, including Rhonda Fleming, Pat Boone, Dale Evans, and Gloria Swanson appeared briefly to attack U.S. Supreme Court decisions that have held prayer to be unconstitutional in public schools.

Project Prayer has endorsed the Becker Amendment, which would make prayer and Bible reading permissible in public schools and other public places “if participation therein is on a voluntary basis.”

The amendment, introduced by Rep. Frank J. Becker (R-N.Y.), has been pending for months before the House Judiciary Committee. Hearings have been scheduled for April 22.

The national director of Project Prayer, Sam Cavnar, said future rallies would be held in Georgia next month and in Houston on June 18.

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