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President Kennedy Pens Look Magazine Article on Cold War

Dec. 30, 1962 - President Kennedy said today the Communist world is losing its “bet” on history. Writing in the current issue of Look magazine, the President drew this region-by-region profile of Communist setbacks:

Western Europe — “The success of the Common Market symbolizes a united and astonishing economic, political, and cultural renaissance.”

Eastern Europe — “Intended to be a model of Communist success, it has become a bleak dungeon of political insecurity and economic scarcity.”

Asia and Africa — “Where the atmosphere of anti-colonialism and underdevelopment was supposed to be tailor-made for Communist infiltration, their success has been slowed.”

Communist China — “Economic failure and naked aggression has disclosed to all the world the true nature of such a regime.”

Latin America — “Where the Castro regime was to provide a lever to pry away the southern half of the hemisphere, the unsuccessful effort to transform the disillusioned island of Cuba into a nuclear base — as contrasted with the constructive purpose of the Alliance for Progress — has newly united the inter-American system.”


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