Oct. 18, 1962 - Paul Hornung, who has captured three straight NFL scoring titles, has been knocked out of the Green Bay Packer line-up by an injury. A twisted knee — the result of a jarring tackle by Cliff Livingston of the Minnesota Vikings — will keep Hornung out of Sunday’s game in Milwaukee against the San Francisco Forty-Niners. The defending NFL champions will be putting their perfect record of 5-0 on the line without their ace halfback. “If I use him at all, it will be only for kicking,” said head coach Vince Lombardi. The bad news was tempered by word from Lombardi that four other Packers banged up in last Sunday’s 48-21 victory over the Vikings would play. They are Jesse Whittenton, Bill Quinlan, Bob Skoronski, and Ron Kostelnik.
