Sept. 24, 1962 - The board of trustees of the University of Mississippi agreed in open court tonight to admit James H. Meredith, a Negro, to the university by 4 p.m. tomorrow. Thomas J. Tubb, the board chairman, made the announcement at a contempt-of-court hearing for the 13 trustees and 4 other university officials in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. A Justice Department spokesman said a decision would be made tomorrow whether to register Mr. Meredith in Jackson or at the campus in Oxford. Mr. Tubb’s announcement apparently set the board against Gov. Ross R. Barnett of Mississippi, who has vowed to go to jail or close the university rather than see it integrated. It was Mr. Barnett who last Thursday personally turned Mr. Meredith away when the 29-year-old Negro Air Force veteran sought to register as a student.
