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NBC-TV Negotiates Contract with Julie Andrews

Nov. 30, 1964 - NBC is negotiating a television contract with Julie Andrews. Under the proposed arrangement, the British singer and actress would star on two special one‐hour shows in 1965. The first probably would be presented in the spring and the other in the fall.

NBC’s interest in Miss Andrews is directly related to her growing popularity and exposure through Hollywood motion pictures. Although she was not selected to appear in the movie version of “My Fair Lady,” in which she appeared on Broadway, she is the star of two other current pictures — “Mary Poppins” and “The Americanization of Emily.” Another of her movies, “The Sound of Music,” will open in March.

Edwin S. Friendly Jr., vice president of special programs for NBC-TV, refused today to confirm or deny that the network was negotiating with representatives of Miss Andrews. Another source said a contract was expected to be drawn up, although all details had not been completed.

Miss Andrews has been a guest on various television shows. She once co‐starred on a special program with Carol Burnett on CBS-TV.

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