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MLK Hits Goldwater

Sept. 12, 1964 - In West Berlin today, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. forecast today a “dark night of social disruption” in the United States if Senator Barry Goldwater is elected President.

The Negro leader said he was convinced that the discontent, frustration, and despair of poverty-stricken groups would then erupt into “violence and riots, the like of which we have never seen before.”

It is important for all responsible persons, he said, that Goldwater is defeated. There were “dangerous signs of Hitlerism” in the program of the Republican candidate, Dr. King declared.

Dr. King came to West Berlin at the invitation of Mayor Willy Brandt (left) to open the city’s cultural festival tomorrow. The two-week event highlights the interdependence of races.

The minister is also scheduled to attend Protestant functions in West and East Berlin. He is to preach in East Berlin’s downtown Marienkirche tomorrow night.

Dr. King emphasized to newsmen today his confidence in nonviolent programs which, he said, had succeeded “in the Southland fast becoming an integrated South.” However, he warned that responsible leaders could lose control in the case of retrogression and intensified bitterness.

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