Apr. 16, 1964 - The New York Mets, who started the infant National League season with a pair of losses, returned from Philadelphia today seething at remarks attributed to Duke Snider. Snider, a former Dodger outfielder at Brooklyn and Los Angeles, played last season with the Mets but was sold to the San Francisco Giants on Tuesday.
“I’m just happy to be in San Francisco,” Snider said Tuesday. “It was hard playing for a club like the Mets. I like to be fighting for the pennant.”
“If the Mets are such a terrible team as Snider says,” asked Met pitcher Tracy Stallard, “he should remember he was part of it last season. He never hustled while he was with the club. He loafed all the time. He tried to live on his reputation.
“If he hated playing with a noncontender so much, why didn’t he quit? If Snider couldn’t help a tenth-place club that needed help, how does he expect to help a contender?”
“And you can print this,” Stallard added. “I told him the same thing to his face during spring training.”
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