May 15, 1963 - The New York Mets put an end to some alarming trends in Houston today by beating the Colts, 7-4, behind Al Jackson’s 9-hit pitching. They climbed out of last place, into which they had fallen only 15 hours earlier; they snapped Houston’s six-game winning streak; and they nipped in the bud their own little losing streak. The Mets’ streak had conjured up nightmarish visions of last year’s 17-game losing string that started in Houston. The Mets collected 13 hits. They did not, however, achieve victory entirely under their own power. Their first three runs were unearned, and on both sides the game was poorly played. This was expansion-team baseball as some feared it would be. Jackson was an exception, thoroughly professional in posting his fourth victory and becoming the team’s leading pitcher in this respect. The fifth-inning run that spoiled his shutout was handed to the Colts via two glaring Met errors. Meanwhile, National League president Warren Giles sent a stern warning to Met president George Weiss today to stop the fans from continuing the garbage-throwing that occurred at the Polo Grounds Sunday. Bob Purkey, Reds’ player representative, had filed an official complaint with Giles after right fielder Frank Robinson was deluged with debris in the fifth inning of the nightcap. Things got to such a point that Robinson left his position and requested help from the umpires. However, Met business manager Jim Thomson, who is responsible for policing the Polo Grounds, didn’t put all the blame on the fans. “We can’t condone fans throwing objects on the field,” he said. “But players who taunt the fans don’t help any.” That was exactly what Robinson was doing, the Met players said. He was gesturing to the fans, indicating by a thumbs-down gesture he didn’t think much of the Mets. “He played left field Saturday and motioned towards the fans, but there was no trouble because there was a bunch of Midget Mets up there,” Thomson said. “But on Sunday, Robinson played right field. He made those same motions, and he ran into a bunch of teenagers.” Another Met official said many of the ushers stationed in the right field stands reported Robinson “incited” the fans.
