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Mailer Gets Suspended Sentence in Stabbing of Wife

Nov. 13, 1961 - Norman Mailer (right), author of the best-selling novel “The Naked and the Dead,” received a suspended sentence today on his plea of guilty to stabbing his wife Adele last year. The suspended sentence was given by Judge Mitchell D. Schweitzer, who continued the 38-year-old author on probation for a period not to exceed 3 years. Mr. Mailer’s lawyer, Joseph E. Brill (left), said his client had behaved well on probation thus far, was working on a new book, had reduced his drinking to a minimum, and could make a contribution to society. The author had admitted that he had stabbed his wife in the couple’s home on West 94th Street after a drinking party in their home. In suspending sentence, Judge Schweitzer noted that Mrs. Mailer had requested the court be lenient with her husband.


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