Aug. 27, 1964 - Lyndon Baines Johnson of Texas, the man who took over the Presidency last Nov. 22 in the shattering hour of John F. Kennedy’s assassination, was nominated for a term of his own last night by the 34th Democratic National Convention.
The President’s nomination was by acclamation. The motion to suspend the rules and dispense with the call of the states was offered by Mrs. Lloyd Danzig of Florida. It came after the remnants of the Alabama delegation yielded to Texas, so that Governor John Connally Jr. (left) could place the Johnson name in nomination.
It also was Governor Connally who nominated Johnson in his first abortive bid for the Presidency, at the Chicago convention in 1956.
Governor Edmund G. Brown (right) of California shared the nominating process and was followed by seven seconding speakers.
The delegates whooped the nomination into effect with a roar. Speaker of the House John W. McCormack of Massachusetts, the permanent chairman, confirmed it with a bang of his huge gavel.
The nomination set off an enthusiastic demonstration. All over the hall banners waved, balloons soared toward the lofty curved ceiling, bands played in an ear-splitting cacophony, the great organ bellowed, and people struggled through the jammed aisles, screaming at the top of their lungs.
When it was quieted with much gaveling, Johnson came to the platform and set off another booming demonstration.
He stood quietly through it, smiling, waving, and nodding once or twice to friends. His wife and two daughters stood with him through the thunderous ovation.
As if to symbolize his grip on the convention, Johnson himself gaveled the delegates to order.
In his opening greeting, he included a friendly salutation to “columnists and commentators.” This brought a laugh, in recollection of the Republicans’ anger at the press at their convention last month in San Francisco.
Johnson said he and his party would begin “the march toward an overwhelming victory for our party and for our nation.”

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