Jan. 21, 1965 - President Johnson gave Hubert Humphrey a big sendoff before Congressional leaders today on the Vice President’s first full day on the job.
Johnson looked none the worse for wear after the long inaugural celebration yesterday. He returned to the White House at 12:30 a.m. after dancing at five inaugural balls.
Johnson’s pat on the back for his Vice President indicated that Humphrey would play a strong liaison role between the White House and Capitol Hill.
The Humphrey “launching” occurred almost casually after a briefing of the bipartisan group on world developments by Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Defense Secretary Robert McNamara, and CIA Director John McCone. Photographers were ushered into the Cabinet room to take pictures of the session, and reporters who accompanied them overheard Johnson’s remarks.
Johnson noted that Humphrey, former Senate Democrat whip, “has 15 years’ experience on the Hill — there’s no reason it should be wasted.”
“Mr. President, we’re glad to have him where he is,” spoke up Senate Republican Leader Everett Dirksen.
“He’s available to talk to you — any time — to any of you,” Johnson said. “He and Larry [Lawrence O’Brien] will try to effectively coordinate the House and Senate. He has all the information I have. He’s adequately provided for what we’re doing here — now you take care of him on the Hill.”
Johnson then quipped that while Humphrey will work closely with the Congressional leaders, “I don’t suppose he’ll smoke John’s cigars.”
This was a reference to Speaker John McCormack.

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